Social interaction and community engagement are essential parts of daily life. That’s why we believe in supporting you to connect and participate in your own community each day. 

We work closely with you and your support networks to identify community-based activities you are most interested in doing, goals you would like to achieve and the best way to achieve them.

We can help you be connected to a range of high quality recreational, educational and therapeutic activities that assist people with a disability to socially connect and participate in their own community.

All community-based activities are tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual need.

Current participants enjoy a range of community based programs that they choose to participate in, including: 


Going to the park, beach or lake
Participating in bowling, golf, swimming, etc
Outings to the movies or shopping
Attending sporting games like football
Going to the gym
Catching up with or meeting new friends
Joining religious or community events
Attending art, drama or music classes.


For NDIS participants, funding for assistance in daily living within core supports may fall in this category.



The NDIS has ruled that no NDIS service provider or financial intermediary can convert NDIS Core Support funding to cover kilometre costs for support workers to transport clients.

If you require transport, please review what transport options are in your NDIS plan, or contact us if you need assistance.

 NDIS transport options:

  1. If you have a transport allocation in your NDIS plan listed as: self-managed, it means the NDIS will pay your transport allocation directly into your bank account. A direct debit can be established with us to pay for this service.
  2. If you have a transport allocation in your NDIS plan listed as: agency managed, our Client Engagement Managers can work with you to reflect this in the service we deliver to you.
  3. If you have no transport funding in your NDIS plan and believe that is a ‘reasonable and necessary’ requirement based on your needs, you can contact the NDIS, your support coordination (or where applicable) your Local Area Coordinator to request a review. If you do not believe your transport needs will be classified as ‘reasonable and necessary’ by the NDIS you can still access transport from CareChoice by paying privately.


Other transport options:

  • Victorians with permanent or severe disabilities can receive discounted taxi fares. For more information call 1800 638 802 (TTY 1800 555 677 or speak and listen 1800 555 727) or visit Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria
  • If you are a rural Victorian and patient with a medical condition in need of transport support then the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme may apply
  • The Mobility Allowance is available to people over 16 with a disability who meet the following criteria